Bridging the science-practitioner gap in ecosystem research for development

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Key Messages
- Research knowledge is often not used by practitioners. Dissemination by non-academic partners and champions, and by television are associated with more research knowledge utilization
- Project co-design and knowledge co-creation via early and active stakeholder involvement enhance utilization of research knowledge
- Promoting project co-design and knowledge co-creation can help to reduce the science-practitioners gap in research on socio-ecological systems
- Research funders and leaders need to rethink the role of non-academic partners in the design and governance of research for development projects
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Infographic: Use of research knowledge by society. Illustration: Christiane Franke.
René Eschen, CABI, Switzerland, r.eschen@cabi.org
Purity Rima Mbaabu, KEFRI and Chuka University, Kenya, purityrima@yahoo.com
Bruno Ramamonjisoa, University of Antananarivo, Madagascar, bruno.ramamonjisoa@gmail.com
Carmenza Robledo Abad, Transdisciplinary Laboratory (D-USYS Tdlab), Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, carmenza.robledo@gmail.com
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Further reading:
Eschen, R., Mbaabu, P.R., Ramamonjisoa, B.S. and Robledo-Abad, C. (2021). Factors enhancing the level of utilisation of research knowledge on ecosystems. PLoS ONE.