Soil management innovations for sustainable yam production
Developing biophysically, institutionally and economically accepted soil management innovations for yam-based cropping systems is the goal of the international research collaboration, uniting partners in Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Switzerland. Their focus is on increasing crop productivity, food security, profitability and environmental sustainability, together with yam farmers and actors along the yam value chain in West Africa.
This video portrays research partners and activities in Burkina Faso and Nigeria. It emerged from the r4dFood Systems Caravanstages in Burkina Faso and Nigeria in October and November 2019.
The video is subtitled and also soon available in dubbed versions in the languages Kassim, Mooré, Twi and Fongbé.Watch this video on YouTubeand choose subtitles and language.
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Beatrice Aighewi, IITA, Nigeria, Abidine Traoré, INERA, Burkina Faso, Emmanuel Frossard, ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
r4d Biophysical, institutional and economic drivers of sustainable soil use in yam systems for improved food security in West Africa (YAMSYS);
http://yamsys.org; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/sustainable-yam-cropping
A project portait by Fernando Sousa and Sara Correia, Liquen Productions, emerging from the r4d Food Security Synthesis Food Systems Caravan West Africa
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