Navigating Forest Changes in Central Vietnam
Author and photographer:Christian Kull

The photos in this gallery were taken during four field visits between 2016 and 2019 to initiate, coordinate and implement the project in collaboration with the full research team. Southeast Asia remains a deforestation hotspot. Yet in Vietnam, tree cover is increasing. The quality of such a so-called “forest transition”, however, remains poorly known. Most tree planting is of fast-rotation exotic acacias; woodlots and invasive vines restrain natural forest regeneration. Government policies seek to promote better forest protection as well as a timber economy. The project investigates this dynamic situation from both the natural and social sciences, with a special focus on forests used by rural villagers.
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Christian Kull
Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Project website:
This photo gallery was submitted in the r4d call for photo galleries in June 2019 and selected for publication by an international jury. This contribution emerges from the r4d project “Assessing the ‘nature’ of a ‘forest transition’ in Vietnam: ecosystem services and social-ecological resilience in locally managed forest landscapes“, financed by the r4d programme (http://www.r4d.ch).