How Horizontal Inequalities Lead to Conflict in Migration Countries
Structural horizontal inequalities in contexts marked by sustained migration flows contribute to the increased chance of nativist violence. The lack of attention to these two issues has hampered efforts to promote peaceful relations between migrants and natives, as our research in Côte d’Ivoire shows.
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Key Messages
- Political violence between natives and immigrants has been observed in many countries. However, the mechanisms underpinning the link between migration and political violence remain poorly understood.
- Horizontal inequalities, between natives and migrants, are key factors in understanding when and where violence against migrants breaks out.
- In order to prevent the outbreak of nativist violence, we recommend that policy-makers take steps to promote the political and economic inclusion of indigenous groups, specifically in the context of high-migrations.
Fabien Cottier, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Roch Yao Gnabeli, University Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan
Jean-Louis Lognon, University Houphouët-Boigny, Abidjan
Sarah Bütikofer, University of Zurich, Switzerland
r4d Ethnic Power Relations project:
https://r4d.epr.ethz.ch/ http://www.r4d.ch/modules/social-conflicts/ethnic-power-relations
PDF: r4d Policy Brief No. 1