How could we improve community health around large gold mines in Tanzania?
Health Impact Assessments aim to understand how local communities are impacted by large natural resource extraction projects. In dynamic settings, such as in and around large goldmines, community health factors need to be considered more systematically. With this focus, the r4d project “Health Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development” (HIA4SD) seeks to contribute to good health and well-being (SDG 3) while also addressing factors, such as clean water, sanitation and inequality (SDG6 and SDG10). Watch in YouTube.
This video-clip was produced as part of the r4d programme Digital Storytellers synthesis project. Its contents were filmed and selected by Andrea Leuenberger from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland, in collaboration with local partners in Tanzania. The digital storytelling process was accompanied and supported by Paitití Lab.
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Andrea Leuenberger
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland
r4d project “Health impact assessment for engaging natural resource extraction projects in sustainable development in producer regions” (HIA4SD);
A film by Andrea Leuenberger, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland / Edited by Martin Moll / Produced by Sonja Schenkel, Paitití Lab