Gender in public health research: overcoming resistance and leveraging opportunities

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Key Messages
- Gender plays a critical role in exposure to health risk factors, careseeking behaviour, and access to treatment.
- Gender inequalities may be compounded by other forms of exclusion and power imbalances.
- Given this strong influence of gender, public health research needs to integrate gender considerations from the outset.
- Many public health researchers are not gender experts and need support to apply a gender lens.
- While not good practice, a gender dimension can still be added to studies post-hoc.
Marta Palmeirim, PhD, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, marta.palmeirim@swisstph.ch
Helen Prytherch, PhD MPH, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, helen.prytherch@swisstph.ch
Sonja Merten, MD PD PhD MPH, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, sonja.merten@swisstph.ch
Links to projects analysed
Health systems governance for an inclusive and sustainable social health protection in Ghana and Tanzania:
Health impact assessment for engaging natural resource extraction projects in sustainable development in producer regions (HIA4SD):
Surveillance and response to zoonotic diseases in Maya communities of Guatemala: A case for One Health:
Early detection of liver fluke: