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2030 Agenda-SDGs
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2030 Agenda-SDGs
About k4d
Latin America
Burkina Faso
Sri Lanka
Ivory Coast
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For development practitioners
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For anybody
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r4d programme
Public Health
Social Conflicts
Food Security
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No Poverty
Zero Hunger
Good Health and Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Reduced Inequality
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action
Life Below Water
Life On Land
Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
‘Ahead of its time’: A Swiss research partnership powers global development solutions
The Green Vein: Agroecology Rising in West Africa
From September to November 2019, the r4d Food Systems Caravan toured as a 50 day...
Facility-based indicators to monitor cervical cancer control services for women living with HIV
In collaboration with the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium, the Cervical Cancer...
SEDUCE & CONQUER | How an invasive tree divides farmers and gobbles up land in Kenya
Beaucoup plus qu’un sport
Deux anciennes footballeuses participent au projet Kick it Like a Girl ! et partagent leurs...
DOCUMENTARY: “Double Loss”: Commercial agriculture, women and food insecurity in Cambodia
The documentary "double loss" shares first-hand accounts of the challenges faced by Cambodian rural communities...
WOMEN EMPOWERED: Vital Work Made Visible
When researchers get immersed in communities, from Brazil to Nepal and the African continent, their...
Food is Yam: How to Sustain a West African Staple that Saps the Earth
In West Africa, yam is a staple. But it saps the earth of nutrients, leaving...
Trois regards sur les mémoires plurielles de trois conflits armés
Dans le cadre du projet international de recherche Mémoires plurielles, trois jeunes chercheuses ont accédé...
No Turning Back: A Dairy Shakeup For Kenya’s Smallholders
Women have little power when it comes to land in rural Kenya. But Beatrice Yamumu,...
Rising Above Waste: The Workers Hidden in Nepal’s Mountains of Trash
Nepali women making a living sorting through landfill waste in Kathmandu get less pay and...
Three viewpoints about pluralistic memories regarding three armed conflicts
As part of the international research project Pluralistic Memories, three young researchers have obtained rare...
Invisible Work: Why Women Farmers Resist Brazil’s Ban on Artisanal Cheese
When researchers get immersed in communities, their work helps make women's work visible. ...
How to reform apprenticeship in Benin? Integrating modern and traditional systems
Traditional apprenticeship has been an important source of employment for most school dropouts and youth...
Fostering collective capabilities and action for sustainable agricultural intensification in Myanmar
In Myanmar, small-scale farmers, agribusinesses, and industrial companies are competing for access to land, causing...
r4d Synthesis Workshop East Africa on “Land-use planning for Sustainability”
An event dedicated to land-use planning for sustainability in May 2022 in Kenya synthesized lessons...
Export-ready: Helping Ghana’s small firms to trade across borders
Africa’s free-trade area is a chance for businesses to break into new markets. A project...
Für eine neue Kultur des Scheiterns
Brilliant Failure – das tönt beim ersten Mal Hinhören eher wie ein Widerspruch in sich...
A new culture of failure in North-South research partnerships
Brilliant failure – at first this sounds more like a contradiction than a productive way...
Kick it like a girl! Des jeunes footballeuses camerounaises se racontent
En prenant les rênes du récit, quatre footballeuses camerounaises racontent leur histoire. Et battent en...
Wir sind alle Protagonisten: Über partizipative Aktionsforschung, bäuerliche Netzwerke und den Siegeszug der Pflanzenkohle in Kuba
Es war das r4d-Projekt Bio-C, das die Pflanzenkohle 2018 nach Kuba brachte. Ein Jahr später...
Todos somos protagonistas: Sobre la investigación-acción participativa, las redes campesinas y el triunfo del biochar en Cuba
Fue el proyecto r4d Bio-C, que llevó el biochar a Cuba en 2018. Un año...
Diálogos de sanación en Guatemala
Apenas hay hospitales o consultas médicas en Petén. En vez de profesionales con formación clínica,...
Heilsame Dialoge in Guatemala
Spitäler und ärztliche Praxen gibt es in Petén kaum. Anstatt klinisch geschulter Fachkräfte kümmern sich...
How do resource extraction projects affect community health? – Evidence from Mozambique and other African countries
The resource extraction sector in Mozambique has proliferated in the last decade. While the development...
Health impacts of large natural resource extraction projects in Tanzania
Tanzania is rich in natural resources and saw a rapid growth of the extractive industries...
A drop of vanilla: Finding a way out of Madagascar’s ‘triple crisis’
Farmers trading in the popular spice rely on forest just as much. Can dialogue centred...
Gender in public health research: overcoming resistance and leveraging opportunities
There are significant gender inequalities in public health. To address these inequalities, it is crucial...
Job Creation and Conditions for a Social and Environmental Impact
An event dedicated to job creation and decent work spurred discussion on social and environmental...
Sur la bonne voie : Des outils pour accéder au travail décent en Afrique de l’Ouest
Trouver un bon emploi n’est pas chose aisée au Togo et Burkina Faso. Équipés de...
Gender Dimensions in Peacebuilding
A dialogue event at the Swiss Armed Forces International Command, dedicated to gender dimensions in...
Más conocimiento significa más seguridad: los plaguicidas en el cultivo de la papa en Cuba
Hasta ahora no se sabía cómo se comportan los plaguicidas aplicados en los suelos y...
Mehr Wissen bedeutet mehr Sicherheit: Pestizide im kubanischen Kartoffelanbau
Wie sich ausgebrachte Pestizide in kubanischen Böden und Kartoffeln verhalten, wusste man bisher nicht. Das...
Ventures for richer soil: Turning organic leftovers into compost in Ghana
Farmers struggling with depleted land tap techniques to make quality fertiliser from oil palm and...
How to bring evidence from research into policy? Lessons from five global public health projects
In public health, evidence generated by research can form the basis of effective new laws,...
An app for apples: Safeguarding ancient fruit forests in Central Asia
Citizen science and early testing could save the world’s cradle of pome trees from fire...
Food Academy: Testing sustainability in the system for small farms
A virtual training teaches how to spot food-system bottlenecks that keep smallholders on the losing...
Kick it like a girl!
La popularité croissante du football féminin au Cameroun et au Sénégal fait bouger les lignes...
Set up to succeed: Training to access decent work in West Africa
Good jobs don’t come easy in Togo and Burkina Faso. Given the right support, counsellors...
Impacts sanitaires de l’exploitation minière industrielle en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas du Burkina Faso
Le secteur minier en Afrique subsaharienne, notamment au Burkina Faso, a connu une croissance rapide...
Health impacts of industrial mining in Ghana and sub-Saharan Africa
Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ghana, have mineral deposits in commercial quantities. While industrial...
Utilization of research knowledge in transformation pathways towards sustainability
Co-creation of research knowledge between academics and non-academic stakeholders, contributes to sustainable development and societal...
Infographic: Use of research knowledge by society
Illustration:Christiane Franke...
Bridging the science-practitioner gap in ecosystem research for development
The impact of research for development investments in the Global South can be increased when...
Schalt’ das Radio ein: Strategien für fruchtbarere afrikanische Böden
Was die Forschung als nachhaltige Lösung erkannt hat, sollte nicht Theorie bleiben. Ganz besonders, wenn...
Turn the radio on: Strategies for more fertile African soils
What research has identified as sustainable solution should not remain theory. Especially when it comes...
Material for life: Writing an autobiography of waste in South Asia
Cities in the region struggle with mismanaged waste. Can they learn from past crises to...
“Green Vein”: Official film trailer released
Green Vein – The Agroecological Renaissance of West Africa...
“La veine verte”: Sortie de la bande-annonce officielle du film
La veine verte – La renaissance agroécologique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest...
E-learning suite: Basics for producing videos about your research
The Digital Storytellers project had the objective to reveal research projects’ contributions towards achieving the...
“It changes the relationship”: The power of film in research for development
What happens when scientists take up filmmaking to tell stories about their work in the...
Validating organic resource management approaches for enhancing soil fertility
The application of organic resources in agricultural land enhances soil fertility and quality, with positive...
Soil management innovations for sustainable yam production
Developing soil management approaches for sustainable yam production: This is the common goal of an...
Insects as feed in West Africa
As a natural protein source, insects as feed have a big potential to help improve...
A cross-fertilising science communication campaign for sustainable food systems in West Africa
A multimedia caravan toured in five countries of West Africa to share research findings on...
Guideline: How to communicate research in three minutes
Pitching means explaining an idea in a short and convincing way. It is the traditional...
A better life off the land: Villagers join forces in Myanmar
As forest and farmland dwindle, a project bets on collective action to get smallholders on...
Rooting out invaders: A strategy against exotic trees in East Africa
A ‘selfish’ species is gobbling up pastoral land in Kenya, stirring up trouble. Ecologists and...
Traces of a hard life: Mental health problems on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa
Are depression and anxiety disorders only typical of affluent societies? Given how widespread they are...
Spuren eines harten Lebens: Zunehmende psychische Erkrankungen in Subsahara-Afrika
Sind Depressionen und Angststörungen typische Wohlstandskrankheiten? Angesichts ihrer starken Verbreitung in industrialisierten Ländern könnte man...
Conservation vs. farming: A shared vision for land in Madagascar
Farmers on the island nation face conflicting demands often shaped by global forces. Can they...
Research cooperation with dairy cooperatives: Easing the life of small-scale farmers in Kenya
Dairy farming traditionally dominates Central Kenya and its green Umande region. Setting up cooperatives can...
Treating the causes of depression in Malawi
Mental illnesses in rural areas of Malawi are mainly caused by economic worries and physical...
Making a business with tannin extraction: The value of an agroforestry by-product in the Philippines
Rural communities in the Philippines rely on forestry and crop production for their subsistence. Research...
Solutions for increasing resistance in rice crops
Detecting genetic factors that foster pest resistance in rice is important in stabilising production and...
Legalising local cheese making in Brazil
Raw-milk cheese producers in Brazil are not allowed to sell their produce at local markets....
Improving yam productivity in West Africa
The productivity of yam, a staple food in West Africa, can be significantly increased by...
Increasing soil fertility with Gliricidia trees: Agroforestry in Mali
Soil fertility declines quickly in Mali, as in other countries in the Sahel region. Soil...
Why is it important to look at agricultural casual workers?
Research highlights the importance of casual agricultural workers for sustainable development in rural Rwanda. This...
Understanding health impacts around large mines in Africa
Large natural resource extraction projects like gold mines affect the health of local communities in...
Mining dialogues: Designing a tool for healthy conflict in Africa
The business of extracting prized minerals comes with thorny negotiations. Researchers are about to put...
Restoring grassland by managing invasive tree species in Tanzania
Invasive weeds, shrubs and trees keep invading arable land in many African countries. They cause...
Shaping a sustainable future in the forests of the A Luoi Valley
Acacia and rubber tree plantations have changed landscapes and livelihoods of A Luoi. The Forest...
Cultivating rice and cash crops for local and global markets using sustainable farming techniques in Madagascar
Balancing out the production of rice, vanilla and coffee, while conserving biodiversity in national parks,...
Collaboration for establishing sustainable palm oil production
Palm oil poses a classical dilemma: It provides significant earnings for countries, corporations and smallholders,...
Higher incomes, better lives? Effects of agricultural change in Nepal and Rwanda
Commercialisation of agriculture has effects on multiple dimensions of human life in Nepal and Rwanda....
Nachwuchs in Westafrika wirtschaftet in Richtung nachhaltige Zukunft
Dank Forschungs- und Start-up-Wettbewerben schlagen neue landwirtschaftliche Techniken schneller Wurzeln. Studierende aus dem r4d-Programm haben...
Young talents in West Africa invest into a sustainable future
Thanks to research and start-up competitions, new agricultural techniques are spreading faster. Students from the...
De jeunes entrepreneurs scientifiques œuvrent pour un avenir durable
De nouvelles techniques agricoles prennent plus facilement racine par le biais de concours de recherche...
Legal loop-holes of financial transactions cause substantial losses of revenues for the developing countries
Independent research on transaction levels reveal substantial losses for developing countries in commodity trading. Curbing...
Creating space for bottom-up conflict de-escalation and peacebuilding
Ethno-religious divides spur conflict. This video-clip from Nigeria and Indonesia puts centre stage the efforts...
Rights and protection for female waste pickers in Nepal
Mountains of household waste pile up outside Kathmandu. Informal waste pickers climb about, looking for...
Improving the waste management value chain in Sri Lanka
Population growth and increased consumption lead to more and more waste. This video-clip shows that...
Inclusive growth in Laos’ manufacturing industry
Many clothes worn worldwide are made in Laos. But while its textile manufacturing industry is...