A cross-fertilising science communication campaign for sustainable food systems in West Africa
How to make food systems more sustainable? The Food Systems Caravan project explored this question and carried findings and innovations of recent research collaborations to thousands of people in West Africa. Throughout its tour in 2019 and with dissemination activities continuing in 2020 and 2021 the Food Systems Caravan brings together different actors of West African food systems for dialogues based on new research insights and evidence.
Next to this trailer, more video products are currently emerging from the Food Systems Caravan. They will culminate in the research documentary “La veine verte” – coming soon!
Watch the Food System Caravan project trailer and more videos onYouTube.
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Contact: Fernando Sousa, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), fernando.sousa@fibl.org.
Project: r4d Food Security Synthesis Food Systems Caravan West Africa; https://foodsystemscaravan.org; https://www.facebook.com/foodsystemscaravan/; http://www.r4d.ch/r4d-programme/synthesis
Credits: A project trailer by Fernando Sousa and Sara Correia, Liquen Productions
With contributions from projects of the r4d module Food Security: http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security
- ORM4Soil: Farmer-driven Organic Resource Management to Build Soil Fertility (Mali, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya); https://www.orm4soil.net/orm-home.html; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/building-soil-fertility
- DEMETER: Land Commercialization, Gendered Agrarian Transformation, and the Right to Food (Ghana, Cambodia); https://r4d-demeter.info; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/gender-and-the-right-to-food
- IFWA: Sustainable Use of Insects to Improve Livestock Production and Food Security in Smallholder Farms in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin); http://www.insectsasfeed.org; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/insects-as-feed
- YAMSYS: Biophysical, institutional and economic drivers of sustainable soil use in yam systems for improved food security in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire); http://yamsys.org; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/sustainable-yam-cropping
- FoodSAF: Towards Food Sustainability: Reshaping the Coexistence of Different Food Systems in South America and Africa (Bolivia, Kenya, Ghana, Zambia); https://www.cde.unibe.ch/research/projects/towards_food_sustainability/index_eng.html; http://www.r4d.ch/modules/food-security/food-sustainability
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